Hello! Welcome to our farmstead!

We are a 4 acre off-grid smallholding in the hills of Castellón, Spain. We are trying to develop a sustainable and resilient homestead here for our family, learning natural building techniques, regenerative land management and small-scale animal husbandry.

We share our journey on YouTube and via a newsetter. We also sometimes host events, workshops and volunteer days.

You can read more about us and our project here.

Putting up fence postsPushing a wheelbarrowNatural buildingMoses the donkey
Our houseFalse acacia treeMaking wooden stakesHarvest basket
Our dogsPicking orangesMathilda the goatOur cockerel Roo

Here's a compilation of our first 6 months working on the project:

At the moment we are in the early stages of restoring the living quarters and learning to grow food for ourselves, so we don't have a whole lot to offer! However, we do adore welcoming visitors, sharing our experiences so far, and our love for this beautiful area of the world, so if you'd like to visit us or have any questions about what we're doing - or are doing something similar - we'd love to hear from you :)

We've also been sharing our story since we started out in February 2021 via a monthly newsletter, News from a Little Spanish Farmstead.